Monday, November 2, 2015

Six People You Must Never Tell Your Secrets.

It is a wonder how words said behind closed door become trending topics, even though secrets are meant to be kept. However, it is hard sharing details of one's life these days as you don't know who is gossiping, backbiting or beefing. One should know there are certain people one should never share secret with, and below are the six types : 

 1. People that you don't know their secret. 
It is amazing how one can divulge one's secret to someone one don't know anything about. Carelessness of such is usually revealed when there is a misunderstanding and you realize your secret is out in the open while you can't say anything about the revealer. Therefore before opening your mouth to unveil your secrets with anyone, ask yourself if you know anything personal about the other person, that way you will know if it is worth it or not. 

2. People that can not solve your problems
It's good to talk to people about your problems or secrets bothering you but in a situation where that person cannot find a solution to it, why then let the cat out of the bag? Sometimes sharing such confidences aggravates the issue, so better to share with someone that can provide a solution than just a listening ear. 

 3. People that tell you other people's secret
Beware of people that talk about other people, though most cover up their gossip flaw by pretending you are their bestie, don't forget, besties sometimes turn into frenemies, so watch out when someone is always talking to you about other people, chances are that he or she will talk about you to other people. 

 4. People that don't genieuely care about you or have imparted your life in anyway
Sometimes, people try to force their way into other people's lives that they admire and usually make the mistake of opening up too easily. At the end of the day, they get hurt when they discover those that have their biography doesn't even care about them or are ready to impart their lives in anyway. One has to be careful about sharing one's personal details because that is not enough reason for anyone to help you if they don't wanna help or care about you. Keeping certain details about yourself makes you retain the self respect you have. Always better to keep people guessing. 

 5. People that you don't see a future with 
Before leaking your mouth like a tap, ask yourself if you see yourself with that person in few years time. People in new relationships are sometimes in a hurry divulge certain informations about themselves when they are infatuated. Infact sharing too early sometimes scare people away, so it is better you study someone first and see if you see the person as an Acquaintance or a long term friend, and for that, Attitude always determine. 

6. People that you just met. 
You meet someone exciting and boom over introductions, he or she knows what your shadow doesn't know. Calm down, when you meet someone, take your time to adjust to eachother before disclosing certain informations to one another. New friends are good, but old friends are priceless, so it's better to take all the time one needs before sharing what you think nobody else should hear about. 

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