Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Man Abandons His Grand Daughter In The Desserts With A Loaded Gun To Shoot

Wonders shall never end, after having nice dinner of cheeseburger and a handful of drinks Sunday evening, a grandfather Paul Rater called home and ordered his wife to come get him, but instead of his wife showing up at the South Buckeye Equestrian Center, the cops did—and hauled him into a Maricopa County jail on child endangerment and abuse charges for allegedly leaving his 5-year-old granddaughter alone in the desert with a peculiar and perilous set of instructions

The man had  given his 5 years old grand daughter a gun and told her shoot any bad guys. The young  girl had been reported missing about four hours after she went out Sunday afternoon with her grandpa in his pickup truck.

But what is not certain is whether the truck broke down or somehow became stuck; Rater however claimed he didn't have his cellphone on him, couldn't call for help, and started walking. The 53-year-old said his granddaughter started to complain she couldn't go further, so he left her under a tree with a .45-caliber handgun that was both loaded and cocked. Luckily, an off-duty firefighter and the girl's grandmother found her during a frantic search and the young girl was holding the weapon with "one round in the chamber and the hammer locked back," 

Rater's claim was shaky as workers at the equestrian center (a bar/restaurant/feed store) said when Rater arrived he did gripe about having to walk out of the desert but made no reference to his grand daughter left in the dessert. They said "He came across multiple people and never thought he should call 911," 

The Bond for Rater was set at $25,000 on Monday, and the little girl has been returned to her mother, 

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