Monday, April 18, 2016

Sunday Service ; REHOBOTH

Rehoboth was mentioned three times in the Bible, but we would focus on the one on Genesis 26:15- 22 In the time of God, He makes all things beautiful. When people are having and you don't have, believe yours is coming, that he keeps his Word. Don't envy the blessings of others, celebrate with other people rejoicing, envy will only bring you down. If other people are doing good and you are not happy, how do you now want it to come to You. When the appointed time comes, yours will come. Don't give in to frustration, your time of truimp will come. Isaac digged the well, but after all his labour, they strived with him and took it from him. The Philistines were progress stopper, effort frustrator, they will wait for him to finish labouring, then come to take it away, but Isaac didn't allow them frustrate him. People from this generation see you struggling and they don't show up, they see you struggling having one shoe, one shirt, and no food, they don't show up, but when things become good and you are doing something great, they show up. Enemies of progress. The same problem kept on repeating itself but Isaac didn't give up but he moved to another location. In Jesus name, you will stop paying for what you do not owe!!!. The last time, when he got to Rehoboth, he dugged the well, The Lord took over and the enemies surrendered. It became his own well. Rehoboth is a covenant of fruitfulness and fulfilness. The covenant of Rehoboth will find expression in your life in Jesus name and your story will change. Do not stop, do not give up on your dreams, so be empowered and lifted up. Have a blessed week. Message by Pastor Victoria Akinnitire Rehoboth Christian Centre (House of Change) Los Angeles, California.