Friday, September 18, 2015

Scissors Found In Belly Of Nigerian Pilgrimage

Wonders, they say, shall never ceased! A Nigerian Muslim man arriving in Saudi Arabia for the annual Haj (pilgrimage) next week got the shock of his life when he was told there is a big scissors inside his belly. The man was going through the metal detecting machine at the airport in the Western Red Sea port of Jeddah when it bleeped.

He was told by the police to get back, get rid of all metal items and go through the machine again. But the system never stopped screaming.

“He was taken for a scan at the hospital and the big surprise was that it showed there is a big scissors inside his abdomen,” the Saudi daily ‘Al Wata’n said.

When he was told about it, the pilgrim got a shock. He said that he underwent a surgery nearly 15 years ago but never had any pain,” the paper added, without making clear if the pilgrim was allowed into the Gulf Kingdom or not. What an incident. 

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