Friday, September 26, 2014

VIDEO & AUDIO:Jesus Pikin – I No Know



Jesus Pikin, Real name David Cornelius is a Gospel Artist who started music as a child, right from when he was still in his primary school and as a result of  him been brought up from a Christian family well gifted in singing. Jesus Pikin has performed in many shows/events, and by God’s grace he has realized his first album titled Jesus Pikin, and in his album he featured, Ice man from Mekojo’s Label in Abuja and OGtrice based in Jos, Eskay, Micheal and the award winning Realiti brodazz. He also recorded a gingle for Plateau radio Television cooperation (PRTV) and as result of the good works of the state governor David Jonah Jang, He also decide to record a gingle for the governor during his second tenor campaign. Jesus Pikin studied banking and finance at University of Jos. Jesus Pikin derives his inspiration from God, from the things that happens in the world and from the scripture.

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