Friday, July 25, 2014

Hilarious! Woman strips off and pole dances to stop police from towing her car (Photos)

 A woman in Russia whose car was about to be towed by the police,stripped down to her panties and pole danced as a way of stopping them from towing her car ..
A passerby who witnessed it said
'This lady did a real show, trying to stop traffic police from taking her car away.As she dances - stripping to her knickers and a top - she tries negotiating with the officers, not that it had the desired result.'Despite the girl's best efforts the car was still taken away.'
Lool funny lady and kudos to the officers


Anonymous said...

Wow, her best wasn't good enough to prevent the car from being towed away. Guess the police have seen plenty of that so weren't moved.Kudos to them.

Anonymous said...

Lol, free show for nothing