Monday, March 8, 2021

Religion Practice Controlled by Church's Standards


Olori Wendy

It is interesting to note that most Christians who evangelize about God always preach about God's unconditional love. They would share that no matter the sin, or the past, He still loves us humans. They would even back it up with the scripture 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Scriptures like this are used to encourage unbelievers and doubters of such great love to accept his grace. John 3:16 is also a popular verse recited to proof His unending love and grace.
However, once the unbeliever accepts Christ and begins attending church service as a show of commitment, religion practice begins. It is amazing how the preaching of grace stops and the focus changes to emphasis on the external as a proof of practising Christian religion. According to Laykon Skills, a South African based Christian music minister, he shared that "each church follows it's own doctrines and not Christ."

Christian church leaders admonishes saved Christians on the need to live holy as a requirement of practising the religion correctly.

"They do that as a form of discipline and setting the pace," Femi Oyewale of Sahara Magazine said.

Interestingly, the evidence of your holiness will likely be judged by the standards and practice of the church. The way they operate determines how you must dress, speak, and behave. Additionally, your availability for church programs, evangelizing to others is also an important duty, which is a backed by Matthew 28:19-20.

Most importantly,  your generosity in giving, by paying tithes offerings, seeds and other financial commitments is a prove that you are interested in moving the Christian faith forward.

One of the fastest way of acquiring church leadership position is the ability to give on a whim. Most rich givers are highly respected irrespective of their availability for physical service. Their absence is excused compared to those who give their widow's mite.

It is interesting to note that most Christians who preach about God's unconditional love while evangelizing to you are the same ones who threathen about falling from God's grace if religion is not practiced through their church standards. 


Anonymous said...

Interesting article

Anonymous said...

Sadly this is how today’s Christians are

Anonymous said...

Just read it again and still find it eyeopening