Saturday, February 18, 2017

“WOMANITY” AWARDS” To Hold MARCH, 2017 In Nigeria

#SheIsBoldForChange “WOMANITY” AWARDS” – MARCH, 2017

You don’t have to hold your breath much longer as the much awaited “Womanity Awards”2017 holds March, 2017!
The Womanity Awards, an initiative of Platinum Entertainment to commemorate the International Women’s Day is an all-female award program designed to recognize and celebrate Nigerian women.

The initiative exceptionally awards a male individual in governance who has made substancial impact on women issues. This year’s Womanity Awards is themed “She Is Bold for Change” in line with the theme of the 2017 International Women’s Day (IWD) – ‘Be Bold for Change’.
The Womanity Awards will be given to selected women who has taken bold steps in their various disciplines while at the same time encouraging other women to be bold in the face of adversity. These female change-makers have been nominated by our panel of judges into different categories as highlighted below:

Corporate: A woman/lady that is making waves in the corporate sector and making a change through her activities

Media: This category is for that woman/lady making impact in the Media and this encompasses the print/audiovisual media.

Governance: This category is for that woman/lady who leads and others follow and act of governance.

Music: This category is for one female enigmatic singer; that woman/lady whose voice hits the MIC and changes situations.

Nollywood: This award is for the true deserving lady of screens who may also be a behind-the-scene character – Film writer, producer etc.

Entrepreneurship: This category is for a self-made woman/lady whose business managing skill stands out; a bold and independent sole-proprietorship and an employer of labour

Trades (No voting): For that woman who rules the Nigerian traditional market arena.

Politics: This is for that woman who stands tall in a field where most men will rather steer-clear; boldly influencing women around her world.

Education: This category awards that woman/lady who has impacted the educational sphere; fighting ng for the girl-child right to quality education or using her own education as a tool to boldly effect change through her ideas or creative exercise.

Audacity: This awards that woman/lady with a strong, dogged, bold and daring personality; making audacious changes in her world.

Humaneness: This category is for that woman/lady changing the course of humanity; caring, loving, and with a passion for humanity.

Golden Girl: (The girl child award)No voting: This category is for that girl-child who is a revelation to behold; talented, brilliant and making changes despite her age.

Innovation: This category is meant for one young lady who is doing something usual in a very unusual way; a lady bold enough to translate her ideas into reality.

Activism: For a true female activist.

Arts and Culture: This category is set aside for that woman/lady who is practically promoting Art and Culture; upholding cultural values through her works of art or her establishment.

Organisations: For any female established Organisation that is geared towards female liberation; empowering women through its activities.

Entertainment: Beyond Movie and Music Industries, this category is for an entertainer or one with an entertainment establishment, who brings smiles to people’s faces; one who is passionate about and committed to making others happy.

Social Media: Set aside for the most influetial social media lady; one whose name is on everyone’s lips.

Sport: This category is for a female who is making giant strides in the sporting world; patriotic and affecting the younger generation positively through sport.

Fashion and Life Style: This category is for that lady/woman in the Fashion Industry whose designs reflect her boldness and whose lifestyle speaks for her profession.

Posthumous: This category is very special because it ensures continuity. It is set aside for that female who steps into the shoes of her deceased and bring about commendable transformation.

Exceptional woman (no voting): This is for a woman/lady who has been exceptional in her dealings and has brought drastic changes through her life endeavors.

King for Queens (one male): This category is specially set aside for one male in governance who identifies with and respects the female gender; one that believes in the principle of gender equality and has been charting a course for female emancipation.

Watch out as names of nominees will be unveiled for voting in our next release. If you found your name on the nominees’ list, then you must have done something exceptional to deserve it. You must have been bold for change – strong, innovative and impactful in society and your chosen profession – to have been chosen out of the many exceptional women Nigeria can boast of.

“Womanity Awards” promises to be the biggest and most glamorous event organised yearly in Nigeria during the International Women’s Day. This year, we will be celebrating the boldness of Queen Moremi (Our Pre-colonial heroine) by staging a play in her honour.

Anticipate…!!!For sponsorship, participation and enquiries, Contact: +2348037376676, +2348179066070

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