Gone are the days when Nigeria was enjoying economic boom, now the citizens are wallowing in lack and pain..
That the price of crude took a dip in the beginning of the year, is no longer news for anyone’s ears, as even the deaf heard it loud and clear, so also it’s newsworthy that Nigeria depended solely on same for smooth operation of government and meeting the needs of the people. This has resulted in the global economic crunch that is being experienced the world over, Nigeria not left out.
How each country grapple with the situation varies based on their foresight and their national economic plan or frame work. The situation in Nigeria has been severe you could smell it in the air.
While some believe 90% of the problems the country is having is political some think it’s because the government of President Buhari is full with deceit, and his ruling APC party has nothing to offer. Economic analysts have expounded and given credence to many economic theories in explaining how we got to where we are economically as a country and what we need to do to swim out of the troubled waters that, if care is not taken, will drown and sweep away many investment.
Now, someone has explained why some companies are folding up and some are massively retrenching.
“The truth is that it’s not the fault of Mr. President. He is only trying to make things right. The Banks that have retrenched thousands of Nigerian workers have not been supporting medium and small scale businesses. This we all know. They were depending hugely on government funds, whose agencies open multiple accounts for personal gains. And with the TSA, all the government funds left for the Central Bank. The result is the massive retrenchment which everyone is insulting/ while blaming President of Buhari .
In the past many companies who have never or are not uses to paying taxes have come under the radar of the present day government, and for them it can no longer be business as usual as the tax agencies have made it mandatory that such orgsnisations must fulfill their obligation to the government of the d day by paying Company Income Tax / Value Added Tax. With the enforcement by the Present Administration of the tax laws, the companies who could not pay had to go underground.
President Buhari is only trying to overhaul the system. Yes it’s not easy on the populace at the moment, but this is a gradual step to rebuilding Nigeria.”
In spite of all this, while some are getting wealthier, nevertheless, the rich also cry.
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