Thursday, November 6, 2014

Alexander Amosu Set to Design Diamond and Gold Customized Crown For BOAN

As plans for the hosting of the epoch-making event, Belle of African Nations (BOAN), hot up, more and more icons of Nigerian origin are buying into the Pan-African beauty pageant. The latest of them is the CEO of one of the UK's leading prestigious luxury brands, Alexander Amosu. Think Diamond, think Gold; you can't but think Amosu. Platinum Entertainments Nigeria has finally reached an agreement with Alexander Amosu to design the diamond and gold customised crown for Belle of African Nations. This is Amosu's way of identifying with the Pan-African beauty pageant which holds in Lagos, Nigeria in December, 2014. The diamond and gold crown crested with the symbol of the heroine this year's edition of BOAN celebrates, Madam Efunroye Tinubu, is the dynamic crown to be worn by the winner of Belle of African Nations. The design of the crown captures the thematic preoccupation of BOAN: Heroine in the midst of Heroes.


Anonymous said...

Congrats girl

Anonymous said...

Go girl. Nice one