Friday, June 27, 2014

'World's Sexiest Convict' Jeremy Meeks begs judge to remove his shackles & give him designer clothes

Dubbed "World's sexiest convict"Jeremy Meeks who caused a storm last week with his viral mug shot is said to be taking his new found fame seriously ..He is reportedly asking for designer clothes so he could look more appealing to possible brands.. TMZ reports
 Jeremy Meeks might be taking this "I'm a model" thing a little too seriously ... he now wants the judge to greenlight custom-fitted clothing for court ... seriously. In new docs, filed by attorney Tai Bogan, Meeks requests, "that measures be taken so he may wear civilian clothing that is fitting for his body structure."
Apparently, dude thinks he's built like Tyson Beckford. Clearly, Meeks thinks powerful fashion people may be watching ...  and god forbid he looks like a schlub.  He also wants the judge to let him take off the shackles in court -- "shackles can interfere with Mr. Meek's ability to communicate with his lawyer."
Meanwhile, there are reports some notable  agents are trying to sign him hoping his charges are dropped..


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