Sunday, March 16, 2014

CHILD BRIDE: Iraq May Allow Girls As Young As 8-9 To Be Married

An unbelievable bill is being prepared by Iraqi lawmakers. This document, if passed, could open the door to girls as young as eight-nine years getting married and would not allow wives to refuse their husbands on performing sex anytime.
Despite the minimum age for marriage is not stipulated, the age of divorce is. Therefore, the bill would set rules for divorces of girls who have reached the age of 9 years in the lunar Islamic calendar.
It also adds that the girls reach puberty by this age.
Also under the proposed measure, a husband can have sex with his wife regardless of her consent. The bill would also ban women leaving the house without their husband’s permission and would restrict women’s rights in matters of parental custody after divorce and make it easier for men to take multiple wives.
A monitoring in 2011 showed that around 25% of marriages in Iraq involved someone under-aged girls.
According to Associated Press, a part of the Iraqi society is getting angry by these proposals. Many people see them as a step backwards for women’s rights.
“The law represents a crime against humanity and childhood. Married underage girls will be subjected to physical and psychological suffering,” a prominent Iraqi human rights activist, Hana Adwar, said.
It would be noted that the proper age for a girl to get married has been a subject to controversy in many states around the globe, including Yemen and Nigeria.

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