Monday, November 20, 2017

Nigerian Man Proposes To Girlfriend With An Old Rusted Earring.

Wonders will never end. While many ladies are engaged with diamond or gold ring, or even verbally with no jewelry, a Nigerian man who deserves the Guinness Book of record for his recent stunt, showed his affection for his woman by engaging her with an old earring.

It would have been more meaningful had he given her a pair of new earrings, but he had given her an old and ugly single piece.
The story which was posted on Instagram through @break_or_makeup popularly known as BOM caused a lot of debate amongst the followers.

The writer had said her so called boyfriend had emotionally proposed to her and told her he is not ready to cage her but she should wait for him as he had no job for over 3 years that they had been dating. He had also had sex with her after the weird engagement and left her.

However, while some followers advised she wait for him and saw it as a romantic gesture, others warn her not to wear the ring and also go for deliverance in a Pentecostal church as she might have been used for ritual.
When it comes to issues of marriage, wonders will never end.

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