Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Nigerian American Visual Artist/Writer Out with New Book "Atunbi (The Rebirth)" on Amazon

 A man of many talents, Steve Adebanji, a versatile artist, released his latest flair, a book titled Atunbi (The Rebirth) on Amazon. Los Angeles, California based Adebanji is popularly known as an award-winning visual artist, and this book comes as a surprise to many of his fans because of the ingenuity of the story. 

Atunbi is a story about Kahina, who wakes from coma to realise that her nightmare was actually a vision of what was about to happen to a female stranger, Afeni. Readers have to get a copy of the book to find out if fate will allow her warn Afeni of the impending danger or Kahina will simply let destiny run it's course. 
                               Steve Adebanji 

The spellbinding book by Steve Adebanji was model/cover designed by Vanessa C. White, and available on Amazon in both soft and hard copy.

Below is the amazon link:

Instagram: @kingsocreative

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