Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Three Ways To Keep Your Marriage

1. Give him food
. Good food, not fast food. Even if you cook with 5 dollars, let it taste good. Design the food like you are serving a king, he is actually your king. Don't just dish it casually, present it better than they do at 5 star restaurants. The way you present food to your husband is a reflection on the extra effort you put in showing he is special to you.

2. Sex. Don't starve him. Give him when he wants and how he wants. Even if you are not in the mood. You pay your bills even when you are in a bad mood so you must do your conjugal duties no matter your mood. If your libido is low or you don't get wet easily, buy a lubricant or tell him to massage your honeypot with oil, and there won't be any friction but smooth operation.  Imagine pleasant things, you must be honey for your husband, it is a sin if you are not, work out the sex position suitable to both of you but bottom line is feeding him with good and memorable sex regularly. 

3. You must be submissive. That doesn't make you less than a woman,  in fact it makes him respect you more.  Let him have his way most times,  you can wisely guard him into making decisions suitable for both of you if you are not pushy or disrespectful.  Understand he is the head, but if you are wise, you will be the neck and turn him in whatever direction you want. Every human has conscience. If you do all this and he still misbehave, see a Christian marriage counselor or ask yourself, if you didn't snatch someone's else husband, because in doing these 3 things,  which includes praying for him every morning and night before he goes out, depending on his work shift;  he will surely love you as God as commanded him as his duty to you.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing but how come most men don't see any good in their wives or acknowledge them as favour from God. We blame men most times for being this and that, but we forget that these same male species are like children, and if you don't handle them well, they will misbehave. Men used to be seen as heroes back in the days, but how will he save you if you don't acknowledge him and treat him in his rightful position. Even a lion can be tamed if you pamper it. Don't drag trousers with a man, and expect him to treat or talk to you like a woman, naaa he's going to treat you like a dude if you keep struggling position with him...

There is not competition in who is in charge,  even if you earn several figures than him, perform your duties and he will surely function in his. Don't stop performing your duties even if he doesn't do his, even a mad man understands affection over a period of time, and we all have conscience.

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