Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Birthday Memoirs and Life of Popular SA based Nigerian Deejay Sulex.

Deejay Sulex
The much publicized Exclusive Black Costume Birthday Party of Nigerian, South African based, popular respected Deejay Sulex held last week at Pretoria's prestigious Nite club, Europa, with several after parties held in other clubs and lounges all through the week.
     The classic birthday show was well represented by SA based entertainers like Sho lee, St Seaba, Dudu, Lucci Gucci, Dj funn, Dj Kool, Bomb shelter entertainment, as well as reigning gagacious Nigerian music artiste Chuddy K, and other top ballerz...
   With the fading euphoria, deejay Sulex brings back memoirs of the celebration as well as sharing his unique lifestyle to Olori Wendy for all to know.

Congratulations on your recent birthday and successful celebrations. Your Black costume birthday party was awesome, however, why the colour "black"? What does it signify?

Actually it is just to have something different from every other sleek party, as you know, you can't go wrong with a black outfit. So having a black costume dress code, I guess it is unique.
Something different from every other party.

You seem to have been here (South Africa) quite awhile, how long have you been in this country and what motivated you to pursue your career here?

I have been living here for precisely fourteen years (14) now. First of all, it was for the love of the music because i love partying a lot. My room mates then used to complain Lol.
I actually got to discover myself when things were very rough and could not even have a daily meal. Besides I've always had the love for music and thought I could be a Deejay.

Obviously, you are quite recognized and successful in your career here despite there are other Nigerian Deejays playing here as well. What's the magic?

The magic is I'm hard working and focused, then God's blessings.

Deejays are highly celebrated here, especially financially, would you say SA based Deejays earn better than their Nigerian counterparts, and why?

Ahh !!! nah !!!, not really, I feel wherever you are is all about God's favour, the difference between here and Nigeria is twenty-four (24) hours electricity. It makes things more easier and faster.

Is there a reason all songs in South Africa follow the same Kwaito beat, even when mixed with other genres of music?

Coming to SA music, yea!!, They do have good music but I guess less talents. It's like most artistes kind of follow same patterns here compared to Nigeria, Perhaps there could be other reasons.

What's your most memorable moment (good or bad) playing at a gig?

Hmmm !!!, guess one of my good memory was at Nelspruit 2002, because lots of people couldn't believe I'm a Nigerian playing good South African music.
Also, you know how it is with deejay's, girls !!! girls !!! girls !!!, met with this crazy one, she was all over my life, both at work and private life, got me locked up for months for the fact she knew I was trying to skip her.

Is there any other business you are involved in or you would say this form of entertainment is highly rewarding to pay your bills?

Yea, all my life is based on the industry. There is a saying that cut your coat according to your size. I don't go beyond my limit, I don't need to impress anyone.

Obviously we have more of male deejays around the world, In your opinion is it harder for girl to become famous deejay?

For me it is once she is good at what she is doing, she just need to keep it up with time, she will definitely be there. Though there could be challenges as nothing good comes easy in life.

How long have you been a DeeJay and What inspired you to become a deejay? Were your family in support when you began this line of career?

I have been a deejay for twelve (12) years now my family gave me their full support. I got inspired by my immediate big brother Toyin Yusuf known as Legal mixer then.

Your favorite song? Your favorite artiste?, Best genre? Best preference; old skool or new skool?

Lol, I love all good music preferably hiphop and dancehall. I have got lots of favorite artistes ok. Old skool is Bobby Brown, New skool is Wizkid.

Below are other pictures of the Exclusive Black Costume Party held in Europa.

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